
Original code copyright (C) 2009-2022 Rudolf Cardinal (

This file is part of cardinal_pythonlib.

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Rounding functions.

Note the general need to use Decimal, not float; otherwise rounding errors get silly, e.g. -150.1 + 0.05 == -150.04999999999998.

cardinal_pythonlib.rounding.num_dp_from_decimal(x: Decimal, with_negative_dp: bool = False) int[source]

Return the number of decimal places used by a Decimal.

By default, this is what you’d expect; e.g. 123.45 has 2 dp, and 120 has 0 dp. But if you set with_negative_dp to True, then you if you pass in 200 you will get the answer -2.

Beware using str(); Decimals can look like 1E+2 rather than 100.

cardinal_pythonlib.rounding.range_roundable_up_to(y: int | float | Decimal, dp: int = 0, with_description: bool = False) Tuple[Decimal, Decimal] | Tuple[Decimal, Decimal, str][source]

Suppose some value x was rounded to y with dp decimal places, using the “round half up” rounding method (see implementation in round_half_up()).

Given y and dp, this function finds the range [a, b), such that a <= b, within which x must have lain. The tuple returned is a, b.

If with_description is true, the tuple returned is a, b, range_description.

There are a large variety of rounding methods; see Watch out – Python’s round() and Numpy’s np.around() don’t do that. See

Note that dp can be negative, as in other Python functions.

cardinal_pythonlib.rounding.range_truncatable_to(y: int | float | Decimal, dp: int = 0, with_description: bool = False) Tuple[Decimal, Decimal] | Tuple[Decimal, Decimal, str][source]

Some value x was truncated to y with dp decimal places, as per the implementation in truncate(). Return the range within which x must have lain.

The tuple returned is a, b, such that a <= b.

If with_description is true, the tuple returned is a, b, range_description.

If y is positive, the range returned is [a, b). If y is negative, the range returned is (a, b].

Note that dp can be negative, as in other Python functions.

cardinal_pythonlib.rounding.remove_exponent_from_decimal(d: Decimal) Decimal[source]

Converts a decimal like 5.0E+3 to 5000. As per

cardinal_pythonlib.rounding.round_half_up(x: float | Decimal, dp: int = 0) Decimal[source]

Rounds, with halves going up (positive).

(That is not the same as ROUND_HALF_UP in the decimal module!)

See also other methods, e.g.

cardinal_pythonlib.rounding.truncate(x: float | Decimal, dp: int = 0) Decimal[source]

Truncates a value to a certain number of decimal places.